Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012


MODULE B8: Let’s Shopping
 Task 11
1.      It does advertisement about offer of Jeans
2.      No, it does’nt
3.      The name of It, is Lifestyle Pants
4.      It does S35 in normally cost
5.      $25
6.      The discount is $10
7.      S;M;L;XL
8.      S satand for (size) and S for short, M for medium, L for large and XL for Extra Large
9.      In the normally cost is $35, now the price of 
Lifestyle pants is $25, because have discount $10

Task 12
1.      I don’t think so, Sembonia is cheaper than Braun Buffel
2.      Braun Buffel
3.      Normal price of  it, is $62.95
4.      $15
5.      With equivalent price and discount from twice bag ( Braund Buffel and Sembonia bag)

Task 14


Task 15

1.      T                     6.  F
2.      F                      7.  T
3.      T                     8.  T
4.      T                     9.  F
5.      F                      10.  F

Module B9: What do you do on your spare time?

Task 9
1.      As subject                   6. As object
2.      As subject                   7. As object
3.      As object                     8. After porepotition
4.      As subject                   9. As subject
5.      As object

Task 10

1.      We enjoy (seeing) you and (hearing) all your news.
(As Subject)
Kita menikmati melihat kamu dan mendengarkan semua beritamu.

2.      Don’t keep on (shooting) like that.
(As Object)
Jangan membuat teriakan seperti itu.

3.      We must avoid (annoying) our neighbor.
(As Object)
Kita harus hidari membenci tetangga kita.

4.      I enjoy (resting) in afternoon after (finishing) my homework.
(As object)
Aku menikmati istirahatku di siang hari setelah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahku.

5.      My little son likes (eating) oranges but he dislike (peeling) them.
(As object)
Adikku suka memakan jeruk tapi dia tidak suka mengupasnya.

6.      The man accuse of (stealing) the money.
(After Prepotition)
Laki-laki itu tertuduh mencuri uang.

7.      We can’t help (laughing) at the funny story she told us just now.
(As object)
Kita tidak harus membuat tertawa di cerita lucu, dia hanya dapat menceritakan sekarang.

8.      Our teacer do not like our (comeing) late to school.
(As Object)
Guru kita tidak suka kita dating ke sekolah terlambat.

9.      Please forgive my (asking) such a personal question to you.
(As object)
Tolong maafkan perkataanku, sungguh itu pertanyaan pribadi untukmu.

10.  Do you mind my (smoking) inside this room?
(After Prepotition)
Apa kamu kepikiran aku merokok di dalam ruangan?

Task 11

1.      My favorite banf is “supernova”
2.      My favorite singer is “Sammy-Krispatih”
3.      O. West Life = My Love, More than words
O. Linkin Park = What Iv’Done
O. Peter Pan = Menghapus jejakmu, bersamamu
O. Sheila on 7 = Dan, Pejantan Tangguh
O. Britney Spears = From The Bottom Of Broken Heart
O. Christina Aqueilera = Beautiful
4.      MY LOVE (West Live) nananannaNAANNNAnanann……….

1.      Nationality of westlife is Ierland
2.      Their fans act HYSTERICAL
3.      Before they appear on the stage, They has a particular ritual to hold to each other for two or three times.
4.      My Love ( coast to coast)

Task 12

My Love
(by; Westlife)
An empty street, an empty house
I hold inside my heart. I’m alone
The Rooms are gretting smaller
            I wonder how, I wonder why
            I wonder where they are
            The days we had, and song we sang together
            And all my love, holding on forever
            Reaching for the love which if so far
So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue
See U once again my love
            Over sears and coast to coast
            To find the place I love the most
            Where the fields are free
            See U once again (my love)
To hold U in my arms, to promise U my love
To tell U from my heart, U all I am thinking
Reaching for the love wich seem so far.

Task 13

Childhood                   = masa kanak-kanak
Members                     = anggota
Imigation                     = imajinasi
Decorations                 = dekorasi
Shapes                         = bentuk
Nursery school day     = hari saat kanak-kanak
Probable                      = mungkin
Consider                      = mempertimbangkan
Glass patterns              = pola kaca
Containers                   = botol/ wadah
Therefore                     = oleh karna itu
Interests                      = menarik
Depending on             = tergantung pada
Take into account        = mengambil perhitungan
Find. Found                = penemuan. menemukan
Balance                       = seimbang
Insignificant thing       = menyepelehkan sesuatu
Age, sex                      = umur, seks
Affordable                  = sanggup
Metal                           = logam/ metal

Module B10: I think you should do your assignment by yourself

 Task 1:
1.      Because he isn’t accept about flight policy
2.      The subject is about smoking seats
3.      Banned smoking on their flights
4.      No smoking in flight

Task 2:
2.      Try to be more punctual
3.      I do advise you to think about the benefits of Yoga
4.      Either you make a real effort or there’s no chance of your feeling better
5.      Go for an early-morning walk
6.      Avoid bad influences. Find other useful activities
7.      Keep a dictionary at hand when you read

Task 12:
2.      Should wear
3.      Ought to visit
4.      Should go
5.      Ought to clean
6.      Should read
7.      Should watch

Task 13:
      Modals dapat digunakan untuk memberi nasehat. Should, Ought to, dan Had better digunakan untuk memberi nasehat. Ought to adalah khusus digunakan untuk mendeskribsikan kewajiban, dimana Should adalah khusus digunakan untuk nasehat yang umum.
1.      Dia seharusnya mandi setelah pulang dari pabrik.
2.      Kau seharusnya tidak makan terlalu banyak sampah.
3.      Dst.

Module B11: It is necessary to be nice to customers
Task 5
1.      Careless driver
2.      A good driver his car by being calm and careful.
3.      Cause’ it can make you traffic accident, when you have to drive, you must focus to driving your car.
4.      Fortunately, the policeman was kind, he only told to be more careful and pay attention tp the road.
5.      The best condition for a driver is being calm.
6.      Because, he drive his car by nervous and dangerously other his mind also was’nt on the road “ he was thinking of the argument he had with his wife before he left his home”
7.      Because mr.Lengah had driven against a red light, but he didn’t fined

8.      It can making a traffic accident other If we making a sundden stop, anfortunetley it will endangering the car driving behind me.
9.      Mr. waspada drive his car by very skillful and careful not with Mr. Lengah, he drive his car by nervous and dangerously.
10.  If we want to learn about how to drive, we should join to a good driving school.

Task 6
Assertive         = tegas
Describe          = menggambarkan
Behavior          =
Communicate  = menyampaikan /menginformasikan
Confident        = yakin/ pasti
Abuse              = penyalahgunaan
Right               = benar/ tepat
Alternative      = alternatif
Aggressive      = agresif
Manipulative   = manipulasi
Decide             = menentukan
Fair                  = pecan raya
Risk                 = risiko
Feeling                        = perasaan
Compliment    = pujian
Criticism          = kecaman
Beat                 = mengaduk
Bush                = semak-semak
Bully               = menggertak
Afraid             = takut

Task 8:
1.      He should have been working, when I got there.
2.      He could have been listening to the radio.
3.      He might have been talking to Mr. Negara.
4.      He might have been planting the seed at the field.
5.      He should have been sleeping, when I was writing the letter.
6.      He might have been studying.
7.      He must be writing something.
8.      He could have been buying it.
9.      She might have been playing it.
10.  He should have been wearing a raincoat.

Task 9:For Studying at home…. :D :D

Task 11
1.      We must go to the post office to post this letter.
2.      I must hurry. I will be late, if I don’t
3.      She is a very interesting person, you must meet her.
4.      We must phone. Seva to let him know this good news.
5.      We must buy some food, we don’t have any thing for dinner.
6.      My clothes are dirty. I must wash them.
7.      I have proble. You must help to slove it.
8.      You must be patient to wait for her to come to you.
9.      Tom must learn to drive. It’s important for him.
10.  This is a good novel. You must read it.
11.  I must go to Nina’s house to do our assignment.
12.  You must win competition next week.

Task 12
1.      Kita harus pergi ke kantor pos untuk mengirim surat ini.
2.      Aku harus cepat. Jika tidak Aku mungkin akan telat.
3.      Dia adalah orang yang sangat menarik, kamu harus bertemu dia.
4.      Kita harus menelfon Seva, untuk dia tahu mengenai berita ini.
5.      Kita harus membeli

Module B12 :

Task 3:
2.      Of course.
3.      I’m sure that Tom will come on time.
4.      Yeah I’m sure.
5.      I’m certain about it.
6.      Certainly.
7.      Absolutely.
8.      I’m positive that the Teacher will give us home work.

Task 4:

2.      A good mother must caring me a lot. A good mother musn’t kick me when I   studying.
3.      A good father must cover me a lot. A good father mustn’t bite my ear.
4.      A good sister must be nice to me. A good sister mustn’t bullying me.
5.      A good teacher must teach me with smile. A good teacher mustn’t punish me after break.
6.      A good secretary must can remember me about my promise. A good secretary mustn’t leave me alone.

Task 7:
3.      I’m sure that I can get up early next morning.
4.      It’s positive that I’ll go to the cinema.
5.      I’m sure that tomorrow I will have a bath or shower.
6.      It’s positive that I will buy a newspaper.
7.      It’s positive that I will play tennis next week.
8.      I’m sure that I will call him.

Task 12:
1.      Yes, it is
2.      By get around people who are confident
3.      He will read a book about confident, after that cliing he become a confident man
4.      Don’t be so nervous
5.      We can get some basic to be confident

Task 15:
2.      People
3.      However
4.      Require
5.      Reoand
6.      Baiilty
7.      Oh rest
8.      Aringed

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